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All electrical connections should be performed by a qualified (licensed) electrician. All wiring must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and applicable local codes.
Overcurrent Protection
The Surge Protection Device (SPD) draws very little current under normal conditions and will only conduct for a brief duration upon encountering a transient surge voltage. APC SPD’s contain UL Listed internal fusing to protect against abnormal voltage conditions. Note: Only use fuses supplied by APC (see Replacement Parts list).
Voltage Rating
Prior to mounting the SPD, verify that the unit has the correct voltage rating by checking the nameplate voltage or model number. The service type should match the intended power source. See Table 2 for the voltage rating and ser- vice type of the SPD.
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Terminals have been provided inside the APC modular SPD units for line (phase), neutral (if used), and equipment safety ground connections. Terminal wire size range for all models is #8 AWG - #1 AWG. Installation torque is 65
System Grounding
An equipment grounding conductor must be used on all electrical circuits connected to the SPD. This requirement is primarily for safety, although SPD performance is enhanced by proper grounding. Proper operation of any surge sup- pression system or device depends on a proper grounding system. Incorrect grounding practices will reduce the effec- tiveness or interfere with SPD system operation and performance, as well as endanger personnel and equipment. For the best performance, use a single point ground system where the service entrance grounding electrode system is con- nected to and bonded to all other available electrodes, building steel, metal water pipes, driven rods, etc. For sensitive electronics and computer systems, it is recommended that the ground impedance measurement be 25 ohms or less. When a metallic raceway is used as an additional grounding conductor, an insulated grounding conductor should be run inside the raceway. Adequate electrical continuity must be maintained at all raceway connections. Do not use iso- lating bushings to interrupt a metallic raceway run. A separate isolated ground for the SPD is NOT recommended.
installed per the NEC. Failure to do so could cause equipment damage.**
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