3.Open the door on the unit by loosening the two screws that secure the door latches in place. Slide the top latch upward and rotate it so that it no longer secures the door. Slide the bottom latch downward and rotate it so that it no longer secures the door.
4.Drill a hole large enough to allow for the installation of the correct sized UL approved conduit with
5.Drill four (4) pilot holes (mounting holes in the SPD are 5/16" in diameter) to provide for mounting of the SPD.
6.Mount the device via the flanges as close as possible to the panel being protected.
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All electrical connections should be performed by a qualified (licensed) electrician. All wiring must comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) and applicable local codes.
7.Connect the unit to the service panel through the UL approved conduit with
Connect a wire (in conduit) to the safety ground bus of the distribution panel, and to the ground connection of the SPD as shown in the diagram on the following page, and as marked on the unit. Proper grounding is essential, use a green wire or yellow/green striped wire for the ground connection. Connect a wire (in conduit) to the NEUTRAL bus of the panel and to the NEUTRAL connector of the SPD as marked on the unit. Use a white wire or mark with a white band for the neutral connection.
Connect a wire (in conduit) to each phase (HOT) feed on the LOAD side of the
For answers to questions about installation, call APC’s Customer Service Department at:
**Always Install the SPD on the LOAD side of the main disconnect**
After all connections have been made and no hazards exist, restore power to the panel, breaker, or disconnect switch as required. If the SPD is installed and functioning properly, the green LED indicators on the front panel display will be lit, the module LED indicators will be lit, and there will be no audible or visual alarms.
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