What Is It?
A legacy Windows video container resurrected by the DivX project. VisualHub creates
DivX-compatible MPEG-4 AVI les.
What Plays It?
Windows, Mac and Linux with appropriate codecs, VLC, DivX-certied DVD and
portable players.
More Information
DivX video surfaced in 1998 as a hack to allow MSMPEG4v3 video in the AVI container with MP3 audio. It quickly took
internet downloadable video by storm, becoming the preferred video format by many websites and online communities.
DivX-style MPEG-4 AVI video has changed and forked many times over the past 8 years with "DivX ;-) 3.11a", "DivX 4",
"ProjectMayo", "OpenDivx", "XviD", "DivX 5" and "DivX 6". VisualHub creates MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Prole les,
most closely related to (and recognized as) DivX 5/6 for compatibility purposes.
The AVI container can contain many different video formats. MPEG-4/DivX/XviD is(are) one of them, but is
overwhelmingly prevalent over all other types.
Easy Settings One-by-One
320 Pixels Wide
By default, VisualHub will create an AVI with the same image size as the original video. By checking this box, VisualHub
will constrain the video to 320 pixels across, scaling proportionally. 320x240 is a standard video resolution for medium-
quality Internet distribution.
If visual quality isn't as important as just getting the message across, you can set the quality slider to "Low". If the video
demands the absolute best quality possible, choose "High" or "Go Nuts". "Go Nuts" sets a data rate near the maximum
quality of the codec. This setting may take over 5 times as much space as "Standard", but will look nominally better.
A sizable number of devices, such as handheld video players and DVD players will also play AVI/DivX video. Many are
"DivX Certied" up to a certain image/le size threshold. Check the playback abilities of your device and choose
accordingly. "DivX Home Theater" reaches the full resolution of standard denition video. "DivX Portable" is meant for
handheld players and can be near standard denition quality. "Simple Prole" is compatible with nearly all devices that
play DivX. “Best Compatibility” will play on Windows with no codecs necessary. “Wii” is a special format that will play in
the Photo Channel of a Nintendo Wii. Videos are stored and played back from a SD card.