What Is It?
A specialized set of MPEG-2 settings and authoring utilities that are geared
towards creating discs that will play back on standalone DVD video players
as well as computers.
What Plays It?
Standalone DVD players and most computers.
More Information
DVD : VHS :: CD : Vinyl (do you remember your grade school analogies?)
DVD is the widely-used modern format for home video. Video quality is variable, allowing for very long running times.
VisualHub can t up to 18 hours of video on one DVD. Image resolution and bitrate can be lowered to allow for the best
quality compromise.
Easy Settings One-by-One
There are two major television formats in the world. NTSC and PAL.
NTSC stands for "North American Television Standards Committee", and as expected from the title, this format is used in
North America. It is also the native format of Japan and northwest South America.
PAL stands for "Phase Alternating Line", and as expected from the title, tells you absolutely nothing helpful, leaving you
lost and confused. It's the format used in the rest of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and most of
South America. People in Antarctica are too cold to watch TV.
Consult this map for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:NTSC-PAL-SECAM.png
For the purpose of DVD video, SECAM and PAL are identical.
If visual quality isn't as important as just getting the message across, you can set the quality slider to "Low" or "Tiny". If
the video demands the absolute best quality possible, choose "Standard".
Quality settings are not available with “Author as DVD” is checked. Quality will then be automatically decided.
Author as DVD
Checking this box will tell VisualHub to create a full-edged DVD from the input les. VisualHub will add up the running
times for each video in the File List, and choose quality and bitrate settings in order to guarantee that all les will t on