Checking the Status of the ARCHOS Helmet Cam
In order to find out whether the Helmet CamCorder is idle or recording, press the Status Button. The lights will indicate the status of the ARCHOS device as shown below:
•Red and green: the ARCHOS device is presently making a recording.
•Green: the Helmet CamCorder is connected correctly to the ARCHOS device and a recording can be started.
•No light: the Helmet CamCorder is not connected properly to the ARCHOS device or the device is off.
Notes on the ARCHOS Helmet Cam
•Do not be concerned if the controller’s lights are not lit while your Helmet CamCorder is in use.This is normal.
•The loudspeaker of your ARCHOS device will be disabled during the recording as this could result in audio feedback. The microphone integrated into the camera controller will record the sound. Therefore make sure that it is not covered in order to obtain the best possible sound for your recording.
•If images look distorted, you might be too close to the object you are filming. This effect is also re- ferred to as “fish eye effect”. The range for obtaining undistorted images is between 1.5 and 10 meters.