Washing special items

If you have any doubts about washing particular items check with the manufacturer to see if they are dishwasher



$OXPLQLXP Yes, with caution Anodized Aluminium may fade or darken by high water
temperatures and detergents.
%RWWOHVDQG&DQV No Lables could loosen and clog the spray arms or pum p and
reduce washing performance.
&DVW,URQ No Seasoning will be removed and the iron will rus t.
Yes, with caution Always check manufacturer’s recommendations before
washing. Antiques and hand painted china with a p attern
on top or with gold leaf decoration may fade.
&RSSHU Yes, with caution Do not wash copper in the sam e load as siver of silver
plate because the silver items could discolor.
Certain types of lead crystal may etch if machine washed.
Check with the manufacturer’s reommendations.
Wash with special program at low temperature. Make sure
crystal dishware is loaded securely and will not fall over or
knock against other dishwasher while being washed.
'LVSRVDEOH3ODVWLFV No Cannot withstand machine washing.
*ODVV Yes Exception: Milk glass may yellow.
,URQ No Iron will rust.
.QLYHV No Wood handles may wrap, crack, or loosen. Plastic ha ndles
may discolor. Check manufacturer’s washing instructions.
No Use ONLY standard household dishware. Never wash
items such as electronic air cleaners, air filters of any kind,
paint brushes, etc.
1RQVWLFNFRDWLQJV Yes If marked dishwasher safe. After washing a pply a light
coating of vegetable oil to maintain non-stick qualit y.
Yes, with caution Exceptions: Old silver ware and silverware decorated with
an oxidising agent. Hot water can loosen the han dles on
old silverware and wear off the decoratinos on t he other.
Never let silverware come into contact with other metals:
you will thus avoid stains and blackening. Si lver plates and
serving dishes should be washed immediately after use,
specially if they have contained salt, eggs, olives, mustard,
vinegar, fruit juices and cooked vegetables.
No Pewter will tarnish.
7LQ No Tin will rust.
No Unless marked dishwasher safe by the manufacturer.
Wood can wrap, crack or lose shape with any kind of