PICDEM™ 17 Demonstration Board User’s Guide
DS39024B-page 26 2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
4.4 Startup Code FileThe startup code file is used to call the startup function (if enabled), initialize
data routine (if enabled), initialize the stack, and then branch to the main
function. This file would need to be assembled and linked in with the other
files in the project.
;** PIC17Cxx MPLAB C v2.0 Assembly Startup File, Version 1.10
;** L a r g e M o d e l
;** PICDEM 17 Workshop Demo Board Version
;** (c) Copyright 1997 Microchip Technology
; This is the C startup assembly file for the large model. Please
; refer to chapter 3 in the user’s guide for more information.
; The following two statements determine whether you wish to use
; initialized data in your C programs and whether you wish to
; have a __STARTUP() function called upon reset. Please note that
; if you turn USE_STARTUP on, then you must defined a __STARTUP()
; in your code or you will get a linker error.
; #DEFINE USE_INITDATA ;Uncomment if you use initialized data
; #DEFINE USE_STARTUP ;Uncomment if you use __STARTUP()
;--------------------- E Q U A T E S -----------------------;
PCL equ 0x02
PCLATH equ 0x03
;----------------External variables and labels--------------;
EXTERN _stack
EXTERN copy_init_data
RESET CODE H’4000’ ;Location of reset vector
; Optionally call __STARTUP() ;
movwf PCLATH
lcall __STARTUP
; Branch to startup code ;