PICDEM™ 17 Demonstration Board User’s Guide
DS39024B-page 42 2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
5.7 XLCD.C Source Code Listing#include <p17cxx.h>
#include “xlcd.h”
* PICmicro C Libraries V2.10
* Written and Tested using MPLABC V2.10
* Filename: xlcd.c
* Date: 14 April 1998
* File Version: 2.10
* Functions:
* void OpenXLCD(unsigned char lcdtype)
* void SetCGRamAddr(unsigned char CGaddr)
* void SetDDRamAddr(unsigned char DDaddr)
* unsigned char BusyXLCD(void)
* unsigned char ReadAddrXLCD(void)
* char ReadDataXLCD(void)
* void WriteCmdXLCD(unsigned char cmd)
* void WriteDataXLCD(char data)
* void putsXLCD(char *buffer)
* void putrsXLCD(const rom char *buffer)
* Revision History:
* V1.00 - Beta release of Peripheral Libraries for V1.21
* V2.00 - Release of Peripheral Libraries for V2.00
* V2.10 - Release of Peripheral Libraries for V2.10
* Notes:
* - ROM usage varies depending on specified device
* Function Name: putsXLCD
* Return Value: void
* Parameters: buffer: pointer to string
* Description: This routine writes a string of bytes to the
* Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller. The user
* must check to see if the LCD controller is
* busy before calling this routine. The data
* is written to the character generator RAM or
* the display data RAM depending on what the
* previous SetxxRamAddr routine was called.
void putsXLCD(static char *buffer)