PICDEM 17 Demonstration Board Users Guide
DS39024B-page 40 2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
#define RS_PIN PORTFbits.RF7 // Port for RS
#define TRIS_RS DDRFbits.RF7 // TRIS for RS
#define E_PIN PORTGbits.RG1 // PORT for E
#define TRIS_E DDRGbits.RG1 // TRIS for E
// Display ON/OFF Control defines
#define DON 0b00001111 // Display on
#define DOFF 0b00001011 // Display off
#define CURSOR_ON 0b00001111 // Cursor on
#define CURSOR_OFF 0b00001101 // Cursor off
#define BLINK_ON 0b00001111 // Cursor Blink
#define BLINK_OFF 0b00001110 // Cursor No Blink
// Cursor or Display Shift defines
#define SHIFT_CUR_LEFT 0b00010011 // Cursor shifts to
the left
#define SHIFT_CUR_RIGHT 0b00010111 // Cursor shifts to
the right
#define SHIFT_DISP_LEFT 0b00011011 // Display shifts to
the left
#define SHIFT_DISP_RIGHT 0b00011111 // Display shifts to
the right
// Function Set defines
#define FOUR_BIT 0b00101111 // 4-bit Interface
#define EIGHT_BIT 0b00111111 // 8-bit Interface
#define LINE_5X7 0b00110011 // 5x7 characters,
single line
#define LINE_5X10 0b00110111 // 5x10 characters
#define LINES_5X7 0b00111111 // 5x7 characters,
multiple line
// Other Functions
#define CLS 0b00000001 // Clear display,
Set DDRAM to 0
#define HOME 0b00000010 // Set DDRAM to 0
void OpenXLCD(static unsigned char); // Configures I/O
pins for
// external LCD
void SetCGRamAddr(static unsigned char); // Sets the charac-
ter generator
// address
void SetDDRamAddr(static unsigned char); // Sets the display
data address
unsigned char BusyXLCD(void); // Returns the busy
status of the
// LCD
unsigned char ReadAddrXLCD(void); // Reads the current
char ReadDataXLCD(void); // Reads a byte of
void WriteCmdXLCD(static unsigned char); // Writes a command
to the LCD
void WriteDataXLCD(static char); // Writes a data byte
to the LCD
#define putcXLCD WriteDataXLCD // a putc is a write
void putsXLCD(static char *); // Writes a string of