2001 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39024B-page 33
Using the MPLAB® C17 C Compiler
4.6 Other FilesOne additional file required to compile programs for the PICDEM 17
demonstration board is the associated processor object module. For the
PIC17C756A microcontroller this file would be P17C756.ASM. This file would
need to be assembled to an object file by a MPASM™ assembler and linked in
with the rest of the files.
The only other file that might be used to compile programs for the PI CDEM 17
demonstration board may be the library object module. For the PIC17C756A
microcontroller the library file PMC756L.LIB would be linked with the rest o f
the files.
Note 1: User should refer to MPLAB IDE document that shows project
setup, but special version of linker scripts, etc., are used here
because of the demonstration board requirements.
2: Also, refer to the MPLAB C17 C Compiler User’s Guide
(DS51112) for additional information.