•Use speaker:
When the phone rings, press ENTER button to pick up the call. Press Enter again to hand up the call.
If you hear a busy tone after you dial, the other end is using the phone. Please hang up and make the call later. You can reach this number by pressing the REDIAL button on the phone.
9.3 Check the IPF-2002L Call Records
9.3.1Check missed calls
Press the MISS button to review any missed call. You can return a missed call by simply press #. Press VOL+ to view the next entry and press VOL- to view the previous entry.
9.3.2Check received calls
Press the ANS button to review any answered call. You can return an answered call by simply press #. Press VOL+ to view the next entry and press VOL- to view the previous entry.
9.3.1Check dialed calls
Press the CALLED button to review any dialed call. You can return a dialed call by simply press
entries exceed its capacity,
9.4 Speed Dial
Speed Dial feature can only used when entries are stored in the speed dial setting or in the phone book on web configuration.
The operating instructions are as follows:
1.If you want to dial the 10th speed dial number Æ press 10 on the
2.Press the PHONE button on the phone twice Æ LCD shows the phone number on the phone book Æ Press VOL+ to view the next entry or press VOL- to view the previous entry Æ press # to dial this phone number.
9.5 Mute
Press REDIAL/MUTE button during a conversation to initiate this feature. LCD will show 【Mute On】.
Press SPD/HOLD button during a conversation to hold a call. LCD on both side will show 【Call