3.3.1 CPU Configuration
CPU Ratio Setting
Use this item to change the ratio value of this motherboard.
Intel SpeedStep Technology
Intel SpeedStep technology is Intel’s new power saving technology. Pro- cessor can switch between multiple frequency and voltage points to en- able power savings. The default value is [Enabled]. Con guration options: [Auto], [Enabled] and [Disabled]. If you install Windows® XP and select [Auto], you need to set the “Power Schemes” as “Portable/Laptop” to en- able this function. If you install Windows® VistaTM / 7 and want to enable this function, please set this item to [Enabled]. This item will be hidden if the current CPU does not support Intel SpeedStep technology.
Please note that enabling this function may reduce CPU voltage and lead to system stability or compatibility issue with some power supplies. Please set this item to [Disable] if above issue occurs.
Intel TurboMode Technology
Use this item to enable or disable Intel Turbo Mode Technology. Turbo mode allows processor cores to run faster than marked frequency in speci c condition. The default value is [Enabled].
Turbo Power Limit
Use this item to adjust Turbo power limit. Con guration options: [Auto] and [Manual]. The default value is [Auto].
Turbo Mode Extra Voltage (mV)
Use this item to add voltage when CPU is in Turbo mode.
Intel Hyper Threading Technology
To enable this feature, it requires a computer system with an Intel processor that supports