ASUS GamerOSD allows you to share real-time gaming experience while playing full-screen games. Users can remotely monitor a live broadcast using the Internet Explorer.

7.1Enabling ASUS GamerOSD

Enable ASUS GamerOSD after installing the utility from the support CD. To launch ASUS GamerOSD:

1.Right click on an empty space of the Windows® desktop and select Properties. From the Display Properties dialog box, select the Settings tab then click Advanced.

2.Select the ASUS tab then ASUS OSD to display the properties window.

3.Click the Enable ASUS OSD check box.

4.Click on the Hotkey textbox then press desired keys. Ctrl and Alt keys are the default keys.

5.Click Apply to apply settings or click OK to apply settings then exit. Click Cancel if you want to discard settings and exit.


ASUS Xonar HDAV 1.3