1.10.3 AGP slot

This motherboard has an Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) slot that supports +1.5V AGP 8X cards. Note the notches on the card golden fingers to ensure that they fit the AGP slot on your motherboard. This AGP slot also supports Digital Video Output (DVO) interface cards (AGP-NV-DVI) for digital display on new- generation LCD monitors and projectors.

AGP Card without Retention Notch



A7N8X-VM Accelerated

Graphics Port (AGP8X)

The ASUS AGP-NV-DVI card is not included in this motherboard package.

1.10.4 PCI slots

Three 32-bit PCI slots are available on this motherboard. The slots support PCI cards such as LAN card, SCSI card, USB card, and other cards that comply with PCI specifications. This figure shows a typical PCI card installed into a slot:

ASUS A7N8X-VM motherboard user manual
