1.8.3ASUS VideoSecurity
ASUS VideoSecurity is a powerful monitoring and motion detection feature that enables users to keep an eye on their properties from a remote location via the Internet and a wide range of video capturing devices.
System requirements
Ensure that you have the following softwares and harwares installed on your computer before using the ASUS VideoSecurity.
•Microsoft® Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 with DirectX 9.0a or later versions
•WDM capture driver for your video capture devices
•Internet connection with Microsoft® IE 6 SP1 or later versions
•Microsoft® Media Player 9.0 or later versions
•Video capture devices, like webcams, CCD, V8, or
•An audio card or chip onboard is necessary if you want to play the warning wave file.
Launching ASUS VideoSecurity
1.Install ASUS VideoSecurity from the motherboard support DVD.
2.To launch the ASUS VideoSecurity from the Windows® desktop, click Start > All Programs > ASUS > ASUS VideoSecurity > ASUS VideoSecurity. The VideoSecurity main screen appears.
ASUS VideoSecurity main screen
Click to close VodeoSecurity
Click to minimize the main window
Click to open the Help file
Click to open the setup wizard Click to check video source Click to define the detecting region
Displays working status
Displays images detected
Click to delete all image files
Click to view the image file
Click to delete the image file
Click to start/stop detecting
Chapter 1: Product introduction |