
3HDD statusLights up when the power saving mode is activated.4Fan statusDisplay the current fan status.5CO2 Emission buttonDisplays the current or total reduced CO2 emission.6Mode propertiesDisplays the properties of each mode.7Exit buttonCloses the ASUS EPU-4 utility,8Calibrate buttonAllows the system to detect the CPU properties for optimal power management.9Setting buttonClick this button to configure the mode settings.

Refer to the section Configuring the mode settings for more details.

10ModesAuto Mode

When you select this mode, the system changes modes automatically according to the current system status.

High Performance Mode

When you select this mode, the system overclocks the components for maximum performance.

Maximum Power Saving Mode

When you select this mode, the system automatically adjusts the power usage for critical components in real-time to save power.


Chapter 26: Using the utilities