Configuring the mode settingsTo configure the mode settings:1. From the ASUS EPU-4 main menu, click Setting to launch the Setting screen.


2.Click the tab to configure the settings of High Performance mode. Clickthe tab to configure the settings of Maximum Power Saving mode.3.Configure any of these mode settings:vCore Voltage Downgrade: Lowers CPU vCore voltage.Heavy: Downgrades voltage to the highest level for CPU power saving.Medium: Downgrades voltage to the medium level.Small: Downgrades voltage to the minimum level.

Turn Off hard disks: Turns off hard disk drives when they are not accessed after a certain time.

CPU Loadline: Sets up the CPU loadline to manage CPU power saving.Light: Saves CPU power to the minimum level.Medium: Saves CPU power to the medium level.Heavy: Saves CPU power to the highest level.

Turn���� Off��� Screen������: After����� the��� specified��������� idle���� time,����� the��� screen������ turns����� off��� while����� all��� background����������

tasks are still running.4.Click OK to apply the settings made.