DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) is a standard used by manufacturers of consumer electronics to allow entertainment devices within the home to share and enjoy their content with each other across a home network.
The digital home is an evolution of the idea that PCs, consumer electronics and mobile devices should work together seamlessly through a wired or wireless network to share digital content within a home environment. Digital living extends that idea to include sharing content on the go as well.
The digital living is to provide you with an immediate connection between your digital devices, regardless of the brands. You will finally enjoy the freedom to access, play and share your favorite movies, music and photos at home.
First you need a wired home network and you’re ready to get started. That’s because DLNA devices connect, discover and communicate with each other over a home network.
To activate the DLNA function on your O!Play HD2:
1.From the Home screen, press the left/right keys / to navigate to Setup, then press .
You may also press to launch the Setup menu.
2.Select System. Press the up/down keys / to navigate to DLNA Renderer, then press .
3.Select On to activate the DLNA function.
ASUS O!Play HD2 media player |