Drives Master/Slave
CylindersThis field configures the number of cylinders. Refer to your drive documentation to determine the correct value to enter into this field.
HeadsThis field configures the number of read/write heads. Refer to your drive documentation to determine the correct value to enter into this field.
Write Precompensation [0]Leave on default setting.SectorsThis field configures the number of sectors per track. Refer to your drive documentation to determine the correct value to enter into this field.
Maximum CapacityThis field shows the drive’s maximum capacity.LBA Mode [On]When Logical Block Addressing is enabled,
This option enables or disables the multiple sector transfer mode. Available options: [Off] [On]
Fast Programmed I/O PIO Modes [4]This option lets you set a PIO (Programmed Input/Output) mode for the IDE device. Modes 0 through 5 provide successively increased performance. Available options: [Auto] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
32 Bit Transfer Mode [On]This motherboard supports the 32 bit transfer mode. Leave on default setting.Boot Sector Virus Protection [Disabled]This field allows you to set boot virus detection, ensuring a
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