Windows® 98SE/ME

1.F r o m t h e W i n d o w s ® 9 8 S E / M E operating system, click the Start button. Select Settings, then Control Panel.

2.Double-click the Display icon in the Control Panel then select the Screen Saver tab.

3.From the Energy saving features of monitor group, click the Settings... button.

4.F r o m t h e P o w e r O p t i o n s Properties dialog box, select the AMDʼs Cool ʻnʼ Quiet(tm) Technology tab.

5.Click the Performance combo

l i s t b o x t o s e l e c t d e s i r e d mode. Automatic Mode is the recommended setting.

6.Click OK to effect settings.

Make sure to install the AMD Cool ʻnʼ Quiet!™ driver and application before using this feature.

The AMD Cool ʻnʼ Quiet!™ Technology feature works only with the AMD heatsink and fan assembly with monitor chip.

If you purchased a separate heatsink and fan package, use the ASUS Q-Fan Technology feature to automatically adjust your CPU fan speed according to your system loading.


Chapter 3: Software Support