Alternate VID [Auto]
Allows you to specify the alternate VID in low power states.
Configuration options: [1.550 V] [1.525 V] [1.500 V] [1.475 V] [1.450 V] [1.425V] [1.400 V] [1.375 V] [1.350 V] [1.325 V] [1.300 V] [1.275 V] [1.250 V] [1.225 V]
[1.200 V] [1.175V] [1.150V] [1.125V] [1.100V] [1.075V] [1.050V] [1.025V] [1.000V] [0.975V] [0.950V] [0.925V] [0.900V] [0.875V] [0.850V] [0.825V] [0.800V] [Auto]
SouthBridge / MCP55 Configuration
The SouthBridge Configuration menu allows you to change the SouthBridge settings.
South Bridge/MCP55 Chipset Configuration |
| |
| Options |
Primary Graphics Adapter | [PCI Express | PCI | Express |
| PCI |
Primary Graphics Adapter [PCI Express -> PCI]
Allows you to select the primary graphics adapter.
Configuration options: [PCI Express