5.1.4AMD® Option ROM utility

To enter the AMD® Option ROM utility:

1.Turn on the system.

2.During POST, press <Ctrl> + <F> to display the utility main menu.

The Main Menu allows you to select an operation to perform. The Main Menu options include:

View Drive Assignments: shows the status of the hard disk drives.

LD View / LD Define Menu: displays the existing RAID set information / creates a RAID

0, RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 10 configuration.

Delete LD Menu: deletes a selected RAID set and partition.

Controller Configuration: shows the system resources configuration.

Press <1>, <2>, <3>, or <4> to enter the option you need; press <ESC> to exit the utility.

The RAID BIOS setup screens shown in this section are for reference only and may not exactly match the items on your screen.




The utility supports maximum four hard disk drives for RAID configuration.










ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0
