Setting security profiles

The NVFirewallª application allows several security profiles to match your system security needs. The following describes the NVFirewallª security profiles:

¥Lo w - allows safe incoming connections and deny those that are known to be dangerous connections. This profile also enables some anti-hacking features.

¥Medium - blocks most incoming connections. Incoming connections to some ports must be set to allow file transfers using some online messaging applications. This profile also enables some anti-hacking features.

¥High - allows the least traffic through. Only outbound connections are allowed. This profile also includes the Òstealth modeÕ feature that makes your system invisible to intruders. This also enables some anti-hacking features.

¥Lockdown - blocks all incoming and outgoing connections.

¥Anti-hacking only - this profile enables all anti-hacking features but disables the firewall. This security profile is useful if you want to use a third-party firewall application.

¥Custom 1, 2, 3 - these are reserved for customized profiles.

¥Off - deactivates the firewall.

To set a security profile:

1.From the NVFirewallª summary menu, click the Current Firewall Profile combo list box then select a security profile.

The following confirmation box appears.

2.Click Change Profile to apply settings or DonÕt Change

P r o f i l e to return to previous menu.


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