Opens Configuration Panel, which lets you specify network settings and other preferences.

In the rare case that one of the above softwares stops responding, you can right- click on its icon and then select Close to force it to close.

The smaller icons on the right side of the LaunchBar are:

Click on this icon to open the File Manager window, which lets you conveniently access the files on a USB drive. If a USB device is detected, the icon contains a green arrow.

ASUS Express Gate SSD supports file uploading and downloading on USB drives only.

Shows network status; click to configure network.

Shows mute status; click to change volume.

Click to choose input language and method as well as keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-Space by default).

Click to change LaunchBar options (auto-hide, docking position, etc).

Click to show the “ASUS Utility” panel.

Click to show “About Express Gate SSD”.

Click to open Express Gate SSD Help.

Click to bring up power options window to boot to OS, restart or power down. This window is also shown when you press Ctrl-Alt-Delon the keyboard.

Power off

Enter OS







Check to save user profile

Cancel and return to Express Gate SSD

ASUS P5Q Deluxe
