7.Auxiliary panel connector (20-2 pin AUX_PANEL1)

This connector is for additional front panel features including front panel SMB, locator LED and switch, chassis intrusion, and LAN LEDs.

1.Front panel SMB (6-1 pin FPSMB)

These LEDs connect the front panel SMBus cable.

2.LAN activity LED (2-pin LAN1LINK and 2-pin LAN2LINK)

These LEDs are for Gigabit LAN activity LEDs on the front panel.

3.Chassis intrusion (4-1 pin AUX_CHASSIS)

These LEDs are for the intrusion detection feature for chassis with intrusion sensor or microswitch. When you remove any chassis component, the sensor triggers and sends a high-level signal to these LEDs to record a chassis intrusion event. The default setting is short CASEOPEN and GND pin by jumper cap to disable the function.

4.Locator LED (2-pin AUX_LOCLED1 and 2-pin AUX_LOCLED2)

These LEDs are for the Locator LED1 and LED2 on the front panel. Connect the Locator LED cables to these 2-pin connector. The LEDs will light up when the Locator button is pressed.

5.Locator Button/Switch (2-pin AUX_BMCLOCBNT)

These LEDs are for the locator button on the front panel. This button queries the state of the system locator.


Chapter 2: Hardware information