Init Display First [PCI VGA Card]

Allows you to select the graphics controller to use as primary boot device. Configuration options: [PCI VGA Card] [AGP Slot]

Auto Detect PCI Clk [Enabled]

Allows you to select the maximum PCI bus speed to be porgrammed. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

Spread Spectrum [+/- 0.35%]

Allows you to select the clock generator spread sprectrum. Configuration options: [Disabled] [+/-0.35%] [+/- 0.50%] [+/- 0.75%] [+/- 1.00%]

Frequency/Voltage Control




Select Menu


Host/3V66/PCI Clock


Item Specific Help


Clock Ratio


Set CPU Frequency.




CPU Host/3V66/PCI Clock [Default]

Allows you to set the CPU, AGP, and PCI frequencies. Configuration options: [Default] [100/66/33MHz] [105/70/35MHz] [110/73/36MHz] [115/77/38MHz] [133/66/33MHz] [140/70/35MHz] [147/73/37MHz] [153/77/38MHz] [200/66/33MHz] [210/70/35MHz]

[220/73/37MHz] [230/77/38MHz]

CPU Clock Ratio [x25]

This option allows you to set the ratio between the CPU core clock and the front side bus frequency. Highlight this item then press <Enter> to display a pop-up menu. Type in the value then press <Enter>.

Configuration options: [Min = 16; Max = 25]

ASUS PSCH-SR motherboard
