Serial Port Mode [57600 8,n,1]

Sets the Serial port mode.

Configuration options: [115200 8,n,1] [57600 8,n,1] [38400 8,n,1] [19200 8,n,1] [09600 8,n,1]

Flow Control [Hardware]

Allows you to select the flow control for console redirection. Configuration options: [None] [Hardware] [Software]

Redirection After BIOS POST [Disabled]

Sets the redirection mode after the BIOS Power-On Self-Test (POST). Some operating systems may not work when set to [Always].

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Boot Loader] [Always]

Terminal Type [VT-UTF8]

Allows you to select the target terminal type.

Configuration options: [ANSI] [VT100] [VT-UTF8]

