5.6.2 Boot Setti ngs Confi gurati on

Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility











Boot Settings Configuration

Select Menu








Case Open Warning


Item Specific Help



Quick Boot






Boot Up Floppy Seek


Press [Enter] to



Bootup Mun-Lock




enable or disable.



Typematic Rate Setting




Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)





Typematic Delay (Msec)





OS Select For DRAM > 64MB





Full Screen LOGO





Halt On


[All, But Keyboard]









↑↓ : Select Item

-/+: Change Value

F5: Setup Defaults


ESC: Exit

→←: Select Menu

Enter: Select Sub-menu

F10: Save and Exit







Case Open Warni ng [Enabl ed]

Allows you to enable or disable the Case Open Warning feature. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Qui ck Boot [Enabl ed]

Allows the system to skip certain tests while booting. This will decrease the time needed to boot the system. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Boot Up Fl oppy Seek [ Di sabl ed]

Allows the system to test floppy drives to determine whether they have 40 or 80 tracks. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Boot Up Num-Lock [ On]

Selects power on state for NumLock. Configuration options: [Off] [On]

Typemati c Rate Setti ng [ Di sabl ed]

Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard controller - when enabled, the typematic rate and typematic delay can be selected. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

ASUS Vintage V2-PE2
