Short Duration Package Power Limit [Auto]

Also known as Power Limit 2, this item allows you to provide rapid protection when the package power exceeds the Power Limit 1. Use the <+> or <-> keys to adjust the value. The values range from 1 W t0 4096 W.

CPU Integrated VR Current Limit [Auto]

Allows you to set a higher current limit to prevent frequency and power throttling when overclocking. Use the <+> or <-> keys to adjust the value. The values range from 0.125 to 1023.875 with a 0.125 interval.

CPU Internal Power Fault Control

CPU Integrated VR Fault Management [Auto]

Disable this item to prevent tripping the Fully Integrated Voltage Regulator when doing over-voltage. We recommend you to disable this item when overclocking. Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]

CPU Internal Power Configuration

CPU Integrated VR Efficiency Management [Auto]

This item allows you to improve the power rating when the CPU is in low power state, or make the FIVR (fully integrated voltage regulator work in high performance at all times.

Configuration options: [Auto] [High Performance] [Balanced]

Fully Manual Mode [Disabled]

Set this item to [Enabled] to support voltage control via ROG Connect and OC Panel. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

The following items appear only when you set Fully Manual Mode item to [Enabled].

Max VCcore [Disabled]

This item allows you to make the CPU Core Voltage as close to CPU Input Voltage as possible.

Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

The following item appeara only when you set Max. Vcore item to [Enabled].

Max Cache Voltage [Disalbed]

This item allows the CPU Core Voltage as close to CPU Input Voltage as possible.

CPU Core Voltage [Auto]

This item allows you to configure the amount of Voltage fed to the CPU cores. Increase the voltage when configuring a high CPU core frequency.

Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual Mode] [Offset Mode] [Adaptive Mode]

Chapter 3

