Customizing the fan settings

You can customize your fan’s speed using the Smart Mode and RPM (rotations per minute) Mode.

Smart Mode

Smart Mode allows you to customize the fan’s rotation speed for a certain temperature. With this utility, you can also assign three critical components for the Thermal Radar 2 to monitor.

Drag these



points to



set the fan’s






speed and






Drag these



sliders to



adjust the



fan’s response






Click or tap to

Click or tap to switch

Click or tap to undo

go back to main

between CPU, chassis, and

the changes


assistant fan screens


Click or tap to view the fan information

Click or tap

to select a sensor then drag the sliders to assign a weight percentage

Click or tap to apply the changes

RPM Mode

The RPM mode allows you to set the fan speed when the temperature is below 75ºC.

Drag the slider up or down to adjust the fan speed

Click or tap to go back to main

screenClick or tap to switch between CPU, chassis, and assistant fan screens

Chapter 4

