Leave Word Calling | ■ |
To leave a message after dialing an extension (when your call is not answered, you hear coverage or busy tone, or you have been put on hold)
1Press [ LWC ] before hanging up your handset [confirmation tone]
●Message light goes on at called voice/data terminal
Note: If reorder tone is heard, message is not stored; try again.
To leave a message | 1 | Press [ LWC ] |
without ringing an |
| or Dial Leave Word Calling code |
| |
extension |
| [dial tone] | |
| 2 | Dial the extension | [confirmation tone] |
●Message light goes on at called voice/data terminal
To cancel a
Leave Word Calling message
Note: You cannot cancel a message left for an AUDIX subscriber).
1Press [ Cancel LWC ]
or Dial Leave Word Calling cancel code
[dial tone]
2 Dial extension | [confirmation tone] |
Note: If reorder tone is heard, message is not deleted; try again.