CS428 User Manual
Port Numbering
Each computer on the installation is assigned a unique Port Number (PN). The PN is a one or two segment number that is determined by the Stage Level and KVM port of the KVM switch that the computer is connected to. The first segment represents the KVM Port number of the First Stage unit (the CS428); the second segment represents the KVM Port number of the Second Stage unit.
Note: The KVM port numbers are clearly indicated on the back panels of the switches.
For example, a computer connected to KVM port 7 of a First Stage CS428, would have a PN of 7.
A computer connected to a Second Stage cascaded Master View has a two digit PN:
The first digit represents the KVM Port of the First Stage Master View (the CS428) that the Second Stage Master View is cascaded down from
The second digit represents the KVM Port of the Second Stage unit that the computer is connected to.
For example. a computer with a PN of
Port Selection
Instant access to any computer on the installation is provided by the menu driven On Screen Display (OSD) function. OSD operation is discussed in the next chapter.