Chapter 5. EC2004 Browser Operation











MAC Address

This item displays the EC2004’s MAC address.



Firmware Version

This item displays the current firmware version number. You can


reference it to see if there are newer versions available on the


ATEN website.



Rack Location

This field lets you give the rack location a unique name for easy





Service Ports

As a security measure, if a firewall is being used, the Administrator can specify the port numbers that the firewall will allow. If a port other than the default is used, users must specify the port number as part of the IP address when they login. If an invalid port number (or no port number) is specified, the EC2004 will not be found.

An explanation of the fields is given in the table below:





Only HTTPs

Select this button to only use HTTPs service port connections.




Select this button to use both HTTP and HTTPs service port






The port number for a browser login. The default is 80.




The port number for a secure browser login. The default is 443.



Note: 1. Valid entries for all of the Service Ports are from 1–65535.

2.The service ports cannot have the same value. You must set a different value for each one.

3.If there is no firewall (on an Intranet, for example), it doesn’t matter what these numbers are set to, since they have no effect.