Chapter 3
Browser Login
Logging In
SN0108 / SN0116 operation is Internet browser based. To begin:
1.Open your browser and specify the IP address of the SN0108 / SN0116 you want to access in the browser's URL location bar.
Note: 1. Get the IP address from the SN0108 / SN0116 administrator.
2.If you are the administrator, and are logging in for the first time, the various ways to determine the SN0108 / SN0116's IP address are described in the Appendix on p. 93.
2.A Security Alert dialog box appears. Accept the certificate.
3.A login dialog box, like the one below, appears:
4.Provide a valid Username and Password (set up by the administrator), then Click Login to continue.
Note: If you are the administrator, and are logging in for the first time, use the default Username: administrator; and the default Password: password. For security purposes, we strongly recommend you remove these and give yourself a unique Username and Password (seeGeneral, page 21).