The Series C controller
is precalibrated at the
factory. Under normal
circumstances, the
factory calibration
should be valid for the
life of the instrument.
If recalibration should
be required, allow the
controller to warm up
for 15 minutes and
follow these steps



1) Remove power from the controller and disconnect all
output devices. Disconnect input. Attach an appropriate
calibrator to the input terminals.
2) Apply power to the calibrator, making sure that the dis-
played value is not outside the range of the controller.
Then, apply power to the controller.
3) Index to the Calibration Low menu item in the Calibration
(You must have Security Level set to “Factory” to access this menu.)
4) Dial Calibrator to prompted value on the controller’s dis-
play. See chart below for RTD resistance vs. temperature
5) Allow the controller to settle for at least one minute.
6) Press Raise Key.
7) Repeat Steps 4, 5, and 6 for the Calibration High setting.
8) Press the Menu Access key for three seconds to return to
the Process Value display.
RTD Calibration Values
RTD Cal Lo 0° C 32° F 100
RTD Cal Hi 768° C 1414° F 366
RT.D Mid-range 328° C 622.4° F 222