Before You Begin 5

Record Your Serial and Part Numbers

The serial number and 102 part number printed on the graphics card are required for registration. They are located on a sticker on the back of the card.

XSerial number (S/N)

Y102 part number (P/N)

Write the numbers, shown in bold above, down before installing your new ATI product.

Uninstall Previous Graphics Card Drivers

To ensure the successful installation of your new Radeon® X1950 XTX card, you must uninstall the drivers for the existing graphics card before removing it from your computer.

To uninstall previous drivers

With your current graphics card still in your computer:

1Close all applications that are currently running.

2Navigate to the Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs.

3Select your current graphics card drivers and select Add/Remove. The wizard will help you remove your current display drivers.

Note: If the previously installed graphics card has any additional software installed, it should also be removed at this point.

4Turn off your system and remove the old graphics card.