are present in URLs accessed to determine if the connection
attempt should be blocked. Please note that the URL filter
blocks web browser (HTTP) connection attempts usin
port 80
Domains Filtering
This function checks the whole URL not the IP address, in URLs
accessed a
ainst your list of domains to block or allow. If it is
matched, the URL request will be sent (Trusted) or dropped
(Forbidden). For this function to be activated, both check-
boxes must be checked. Here is the checking procedure:
1. Check the domain in the URL to determine if it is
in the trusted list. If yes, the connection attempt
is sent to the remote web server.
2. If not, check if it is listed in the forbidden list. If
yes, then the connection attempt will be
3. If the packet does not match either of the above
two items, it is sent to the remote web server.
4. Please be note that the completed URL, “www”
+ domain name shall be specified. For example
to block traffic to www.google.com.au, enter
“www.google” or “www.google.com”
Restricted URL
This function enhances the restriction to your URL rules.
Block Java Applet: This function can block Web
content that includes the Java Applet. It is to
prevent someone who wants to dama
e your
system via standard HTTP protocol.
Block surfing by IP address: Preventin
someone who uses the IP address as URL for
Domains Filterin
function. Activates only
and if Domain Filtering enabled.
Exception List E’ possibile indicare una lista di indirizzi IP che non verranno
sottoposti alle policy di filtraggio URL configurate.