Local Firmware Upgrade

To upgrade the firmware of a local HomePlug AV:

1.Open HomePlug AV Utility.

2.Click Browse to select the location of the upgrade file. This file is downloaded from the product Web site with a file extension of NVM.

3.Click Upgrade.

Remote Firmware Upgrade

To upgrade the firmware of a remote HomePlug AV:

1.Open HomePlug AV Utility.

2.Click Browse to select the location of the upgrade file. This file is downloaded from the product Web site with a file extension of NVM.

3.From the Device Selection list, select the MAC Address of the remote HomePlug.

4.Click Upgrade.

Encryption Tab

HomePlug AV allows you to define the network password for each or all HomePlug AV devices within the network. This is a safeguard mechanism against eavesdroppers who want to intrude your network.