Default is used for when all displays support 1920x1200. If a display does not support this resolution then it will show only a black screen. (i.e. Output5 having the native resolution of 1280x720 would cause it to show only a black screen in default)
1920x1280 Input 4
Input 2
1280x720 Input 8
Output 5
1920x1200 Output 2
Output 11
Learning EDID allows for the resolution and audio formats of a display to be saved to an input source. Once this setting is saved it will only output that resolution and audio, which will cause a black screen to display on any output that does not support the same settings.
In the above diagram, output5 can be saved to all 3 inputs allowing all three outputs to use the devices at 1280x720 (most displays have multiple resolution capabilities. Outputs 2 & 11 however can only be saved to inputs 2 & 4 as their native resolutions are 1920x1200 and input 8 is incapable of producing that resolution without a scaler.
Audio (Balanced and Unbalanced)
There are 3 connection possibilities, 2 unbalanced and 1 balanced (see picture below). When used, a balanced input can only output balanced audio and an unbalanced input can only output unbalanced audio but either unbalanced connection can be used.
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