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Atmel Corpo ration Atmel Opera tions
2325 O rchard Parkway
San Jo se, CA 95131, USA
Tel: 1 (408) 4 41-0311
Fax: 1 (408) 4 87-2600
Regio nal He adquar ters


Atmel Sarl
Route des Ars enaux 4 1
Case P ostale 80
CH-170 5 Fribo urg
Switze rland
Tel: ( 41) 26- 426-555 5
Fax: ( 41) 26- 426-550 0


Room 1 219
Chinac hem Gol den Pla za
77 Mod y Road Tsimsha tsui
East K owloon
Hong K ong
Tel: ( 852) 27 21-9778
Fax: ( 852) 27 22-1369


9F, To netsu S hinkawa Bldg.
1-24-8 Shinka wa
Chuo-k u, Toky o 104-0 033
Tel: ( 81) 3-3 523-355 1
Fax: ( 81) 3-3 523-758 1


2325 O rchard Parkway
San Jo se, CA 95131, USA
Tel: 1 (408) 4 41-0311
Fax: 1 (408) 4 36-4314


2325 O rchard Parkway
San Jo se, CA 95131, USA
Tel: 1 (408) 4 41-0311
Fax: 1 (408) 4 36-4314
La Cha ntrerie
BP 706 02
44306 Nantes Cedex 3 , Franc e
Tel: ( 33) 2-4 0-18-18 -18
Fax: ( 33) 2-4 0-18-19 -60

ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards

Zone I ndustri elle
13106 Rousset Cedex, France
Tel: ( 33) 4-4 2-53-60 -00
Fax: ( 33) 4-4 2-53-60 -01
1150 E ast Che yenne M tn. Blv d.
Colora do Spri ngs, CO 80906, USA
Tel: 1 (719) 5 76-3300
Fax: 1 (719) 5 40-1759
Scotti sh Ente rprise Technol ogy Par k
Maxwel l Build ing
East K ilbride G75 0Q R, Scot land
Tel: ( 44) 135 5-803-0 00
Fax: ( 44) 135 5-242-7 43


Theres ienstra sse 2
Postfa ch 3535
74025 Heilbro nn, Ger many
Tel: ( 49) 71- 31-67-0
Fax: ( 49) 71- 31-67-2 340
1150 E ast Che yenne M tn. Blv d.
Colora do Spri ngs, CO 80906, USA
Tel: 1 (719) 5 76-3300
Fax: 1 (719) 5 40-1759

Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/

High Speed Converters/RF Datacom

Avenue de Roc heplein e
BP 123
38521 Saint-E greve C edex, F rance
Tel: ( 33) 4-7 6-58-30 -00
Fax: ( 33) 4-7 6-58-34 -80

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