Using the ATAVRAUTO100
2-9 ATAVRAUTO100 User Guide
To operate the LIN in Master mode, one 1kΩ resistor must be placed at the Master con-
nection. To do so, the MSTR jumper must be positionned as indicated in Figure 2-4 .
2.4.3 CAN Connection to the CAN network is made via the CAN connector JP2. Only the CAN- and
CAN+ are connected. The signals are routed to ATA6660 CAN high speed transcei ver.
Figure 2-5. CAN High Speed connections
2.4.4 LED The blue LED is illum inated when the ATAV RAUTO100 is correctly powered, i.e. volt-
age higher than +5V is present on the LIN connector.
Figure 2-6. VDD presence is indicated via the blue LED illumination.