ATAVRAUTO100 User Guide 1-4
Section 1Introduction
Congratulations on your selection of the ATAVRAUTO1 00. This board includes all ele-
ments nece ssary for desig ners t o qui ckly develo p co de rel ated to CA N and LIN
communication gateway implementing the AT90CAN128 and for prototyping and testing
of new designs.

1.1 Overview

This docum ent describes the ATAVRAUTO 100, a board providing CAN and LIN ne t-
working resources. The AT90CAN128 AVR micro controller s upports both the CAN and
LIN protocols: the ATA6660 and ATA6621 are ideally suited for CAN and LIN physical
This user guide acts as a general getting started g uide as well as a complete technical
reference for advanced users.
Figure 1-1. ATAVRAUTO100