user`s guide

Important Export Restrictions! Commodities, prod-
ucts , t ec hn ol og ie s a nd se rv ic es co nt ai ne d i n th is ma nu al
are subject to one or more of the export control laws and
reg u la t i on s o f t h e U. S . G o v er n m en t a nd t h ey f a ll u n de r t he
control jurisdiction of ei ther the US Department of State
or the US BIS -Depar tment of C ommerce . It is unla wful
and stric tly proh ibited to export , or atte mpt to exp ort or
otherwise transfer or sell any hardware or technical data
or furnish any ser vice to a ny forei gn perso n, wheth er
abro ad or in the Un it ed St at es , fo r w hi ch a l ic en se o r w ri t-
ten ap prov al of the U .S. G over nme nt is requ ire d, wi tho ut
first obtaining th e required licen se or written ap proval
from the Department of the U.S. Government having
jurisdiction. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.