| Appendix A Push XML API |
| Push XML Reference |
Element | Parent Element | Attributes | Enumeration | Description |
Button | PushMessage | index | 1 | Identifies the first soft key. |
| 2 | Identifies the second soft key. |
| type | dial | The content of the Button |
| element is a telephone |
| number. |
| url | The content of the Button |
| element is a Web URL. |
| caption |
| The text that appears with the |
| soft key, up to 32 characters. |
| The button size constraints the |
| usable portion of the caption to |
| about 6 characters. |
Schedule | PushMessage | none |
| Parent element of the |
| Schedule elements. |
begin_date | Schedule | none |
| The date to start and stop the |
end_date |
| push, formatted as |
| mm:dd:yyyy. For example, |
| January 15, 2006 is |
| 01:15:2006. The date is based |
| on the Application Gateway |
| date. |
days | Schedule | sunday | 0 | Do not push the alert on this |
| monday |
| day. |
| tuesday | 1 | Push the alert on this day. |
| wednesday |
| thursday |
| friday |
| saturday |
begin_time | Schedule | none |
| The time to start and stop the |
end_time |
| push, formatted as hh:mm:ss |
| AM PM. For example, noon is |
| 12:00:00 PM. The time is |
| based on the Application |
| Gateway time. |
Broadcast Server User Guide | 67 |