Chapter 6 Subscriber Management

Quick FAQ

The subscriber is not a member of any distribution lists.

The subscriber’s information was changed during the last synchronization. Edit the record to view the changes and to remove the warning.

Note Broadcast Server will display the name of the user who is currently logged into a device.

Quick FAQ

How do I …




Change my filter criteria

Select the filtering type from the drop-down list and enter


a criteria value for the specific type (except for Show all


subscribers). Then, click the Find button.



Delete one or more subscribers

Check the box next to each record you want to delete, or


check the box in the list’s title to select all records


displayed. Then, click the Delete Selected button.



See which distribution lists a

Edit the subscriber record. The Distribution list

subscriber belongs to

membership section will show the lists the subscriber is a


member of.



Add a subscriber to a

Go to the Distribution List Management page, select the

distribution list

distribution list you want to remove the subscriber from


and edit that distribution list’s membership.



Remove a subscriber from a

Edit the subscriber record and click on the distribution list

distribution list

you want to remove the subscriber from. Once in the list,


edit the list’s membership. You can also go to the


Distribution List Management page and modify the list’s


membership from there.



Stop a subscriber from receiving

Edit the subscriber record, uncheck the Active checkbox,


and save your changes.



24Broadcast Server User Guide

Page 32
Image 32
Avaya 16-300272 manual Go to the Distribution List Management page, select