Note that not all systems support voicemail or have voicemail installed.
–To switch voicemail on dial *18, to switch it off dial *19.
–To retrieve your voicemail, use the code *17.
Note also that your voicemail may be set up to deliver your messages by calling you whenever you hang up: this feature is known as Voicemail Ringback.
–To turn Voicemail Ringback on dial *48; to turn it off dial *49.
Dialling a number whilst listening to your messages invokes further facilities:
–1 - Listen to old messages.
–2 - Listen to saved messages.
–3 - Record your greeting.
–4 - Delete the current message.
–5 - Save the current message.
–6 - Forward the current message to email (your System Administrator must setup your email address for this to work).
–7 - Repeat the last message.
–8 - Help.
–9 - Skip the current message.
Once messages have been delivered, they are held on the system for 24 hours.
You can collect your voicemail from another extension by using the PIN your System Administrator has set up for you. You can collect your messages if you are out of the office, by either dialling from a number that has been registered for the purpose or by dialling your extension number and PIN when prompted. If validation is successful, then dial 1 to retrieve your mail.
The System Administrator also specifies the reception number, to which the call is diverted if the caller dials 0, and your email address if your voicemail and email are integrated.
The System Administrator
The system enables you set up a wide range of advanced telephony features, with your own numbering plan, speed dialling and feature codes. It also allows you to restrict access, selectively, to certain numbers for external calls and to permit controlled access to your local network for staff working away from your premises.
Codes and phone numbers can be set up for the benefit of all users or can be assigned to individual extensions. Codes for speed dialling may be up to eight digits and may include the * and # symbols. The default feature codes can be deleted and replaced by alternatives if required.
In use, phone numbers programmed for individual extensions take precedence over general ones, and those entered at extensions take overall precedence; these remain in force until cancelled by the user or when the system is
IP Office – User's Guide | Page 3 |
40DHB0002UKAE | Issue 2 (9/11/2001) |