4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
Customizing the 4630/4630SW IP Telephone
In Tabl e 4-6, paramet ers shown with a Mandatory status must be accurate and non-null for the
application to work (however, the Avaya Help website will always be available). Parameters with
an Optional status may be changed to suit your environment; if they are not chang ed, the defaults
will be used.
Table 4-6. 4630/4630SW IP Telephone Customizable System Parameters by Application
Parameter Name Default Value Status Description and Value Range
Phone Application Parameters:
PHNEMERGNUM " " (Null) Optional Text string of a phone number to be
dialed in case of an emergency (e.g.,
Directory Application Parameters:
DIRSRVR " " (Null) Mandatory Text string of dotted decimal IP
address, or DNS name, of the server
containing the LDAP directory.
DIRTOPDN " " (Null) Mandatory “Directory Topmost Distinguished
Name”; text string of the root entry of
the LDAP directory. Note that spaces
and other special characters may need
to be treated as specified in RFC 2253,
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(v3); UTF-8 String Representation of
Distinguished Names.
DIRFULLNAME cn Optional Text string for the customer-specific
label for the database field.
DIRTELNUM telephoneNumbe
rOptional Text string for the customer-specific
label for the database field containing
telephone numbers. The default is the
standard LDAP value.
DIRSRCHTIME 0 Optional Text string for an integer number of
seconds; the maximum duration the
LDAP directory should spend
searching before reporting completion
or failure of the search. The default is
LDAP-standard for "unlimited
DIRCODING Latin 1 Optional Text string identifying the character set
used by the LDAP directory. Besides
the default value, "ASCII" is the other
valid value.
DIRLDAPPORT 389 Optional Directory LDAP Port; the port used to
exchange LDAP messages with the