Octel 100 Configuration Note (7042)
Comdial DXP Confidential Page 5
The information contained in this document is provided by AVAYA Inc. to serve as a guide. See the
disclaimer on page 1
Avaya Inc. PROPRIETARY. Use pursuant to Company instructions.
Communications Applications Group
1. From Main Menu, select Stations.
2. From Stations Menu, select Station Programming.
3. Enter the Intercom Number (or name) of the O100 port.
4. Enter the item number for the feature "Auto Att Transfer on Busy".
5. Press Space to toggle for the desired setting ("NO").
6. Press ESCAPE twice when finished.
Do this for each O100 port.
Disable Immediate Transfer as follows:
1. From Main Menu, select System.
2. From System Menu, select System Parameters.
3. Enter item number for the feature (Immediate Transfer).
4. Press Space to toggle for the desired setting ("NO").
5. Press ESCAPE twice when finished.
The Comdial DXP can be programmed to ring at the O100 port directly,
delayed, or at night. Direct ringing will ring the O100 port immediately.
With delayed ringing, calls wait before ringing the O100 port. Delayed
ringing can be used to provide for operator overflow.
Ringing assignments are programmed as follows:
1. From Main Menu, select Stations.
2. From Stations Menu, select Station Programming.
3. Enter the intercom number of the first O100 port.
4. Enter the Item Number of the feature (Direct Ring, Delayed, etc.).
5. Press CONTROL-E
6. Enter "a" for add or "r" for remove, press Enter.
7. Enter the line port numbers (1-128) for the line you want to ring O100.
8. Press ESCAPE twice when you are finished.
As an option, you can have O100 answer with a greeting specific to the
line it came in on. This is done by programming the line with an
ExecuMail ID that corresponds to a Mailbox in the O100 that is set up
with a Vtree that answers calls according to how you set the Vtree up for
that line.
Program the ExecuMail ID as follows:
Configuring O100 Port Ringing
Configuring Specific Greeting By