3.Press Manager Help.

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A s s i g n i n g a F o r m a t ( D u a l P r i n t e r O n l y )

These instructions apply to the dual printer version only. See “Selecting a Format” for single printer instructions.

Assign one of six preset label formats to each menu category, then assign those formats to a printer to print freshness labels. See Appendix A, “Label Formats,” for the size and content of each format.

When you assign a format to a menu category, any labels you print in that category use the selected format. When you assign a format to Printer 1 or Printer 2, that format always prints on the assigned printer. The default assignments are Format 1, Printer 1 for all categories.

Note: If you select a format larger than the loaded labels, some information may not print.

Changing Printer Settings 2-3