The Y1 console interface card, when installed and properly configured in a Yamaha digital mixing console system, is compatible with the following Aviom Pro16 Series products:
•A-16II Personal Mixer (the original A-16 is not supported)
•A-16R rack-mounted Personal Mixer
•AN-16/o Output Module
•A-16D A-Net Distributor
•A-16D Pro A-Net Distributor
Connecting Pro16 Devices
With the Y1 card properly installed and configured, you can now connect Pro16 monitoring and audio networking devices. Connecting
aCat-5e cable from the A-Net output of the Y1 card to the A-Net In on the first Pro16 device starts an A-Net distribution network. No configuration is required for the Aviom devices.
Pro16 A-Net allows both serial (daisy chain) and parallel connection topologies. Cat-5e cable connections can be up to 500 feet (150 meters) between each Pro16 device. Simply connect A-Net Out to A-Net In on each device. Parallel connections can be made using A-Net distribution hubs (such as the A-16D or A-16D Pro). There is no limit on the number of A-Net Distributors or A-Net audio devices that can be used in a system.
Series Connections
Stereo Link 
Dn/Up - Aviom
Up/Dn - 16 ch
Up/Up - 8 ch
Dn/Dn - Test
A-Net Out
Made in USA
The diagram above shows a Y1 A-Net card installed connected in series to a group of A-16II Personal Mixers. Any number of A-Net devices can be connected in this manner. Cable runs can be up to 500 feet, 150 meters long between devices.